Good Sounding Speaker that Won't Attract Thieves?

Moving my painting & drawing studio (formerly our living room + den while the wife was at work) to a 14' x 24' metal barn and am basically looking for a pair of speakers with a sonic personality generally similar to a JBL Century 100 that I can pick up cheap at a rummage sale and run with a plain Jane 2 channel receiver. Preferably something that's a sleeper, soundwise, but which which, cosmetically, practically screams to a crack addict, "You probably couldn't even trade me for a six pack of beer." Any suggestions?

Showing 1 response by musicnoise

Depends on the quality of the speakers - I doubt that any self respecting second rate crack head would steal anything sold in a big box store. No, most thieves would likely only steal something after several auditions. So long as the abode is broken into only once - there should be no problem. What you could do is simply hook up cheap cables to the speakers; then, when the psychopath breaks in and turns the system on the sound will be so terrible he won't take anything. Use a stock power cord on the amp - just to make sure.