Good Sounding Speaker that Won't Attract Thieves?

Moving my painting & drawing studio (formerly our living room + den while the wife was at work) to a 14' x 24' metal barn and am basically looking for a pair of speakers with a sonic personality generally similar to a JBL Century 100 that I can pick up cheap at a rummage sale and run with a plain Jane 2 channel receiver. Preferably something that's a sleeper, soundwise, but which which, cosmetically, practically screams to a crack addict, "You probably couldn't even trade me for a six pack of beer." Any suggestions?

Showing 2 responses by cwlondon

Maybe you could tear the grill cloths a bit and clumsily cover the cabinets with wood grain vinyl?

Vintage Magneplanars would not only be awkward to steal, but might be mistaken for room dividing screens not suited for most crack house interiors.