Good read: why comparing specifications is pointless


“ … Bitrates, sampling rates, bit sizes, wattages, amplifier classes…. as an audio enthusiast, there are countless specifications to compare. But it is – virtually – all meaningless. Why? Because the specifications that matter are not reported ánd because every manufacturer measures differently. let’s explain that...”




@blacktalon , welcome to the forum. I agree that preferences are going to vary and if you don't deal with the room the rest of the specs really won't matter.

Most of us can agree that some parameters are vital, how many watts, impedance, speaker sensitivity etc in selecting hifi components. Unfortunately we are bombarded with measurements many of which are really meaningless in predicting how that component will sound. Saying that a THD of 0.005% reading means a product will sound better than one with 0.009% is absolutely ridiculous, you cannot hear such a difference, your speakers THD will be 10 times that maybe a 100. Ranking products on these measurements, or choosing them on such a basis is illogical. The measurement bears no relationship to how they will sound or interact with your system and less to what you will hear and nothing to do with what you will like.


You can't fix stupid.

"Good read: why comparing specifications is pointless"

This could just as easily be titled "Why comparing subjective opinions is pointless"...


The specs that I see that are important in this thread is speaker placement for immersive audio. I have been using the specs for a dolby 9.2.7 setup and then you see Floyd Toole with the same layout using the same specs. We both use matched speakers, bookshelf speakers for front and rear height channels, and we both use center height and VOG speakers. Our rooms are very different obviously but you can see those specs in both setups. Then you take a look at a much bigger room in Abbey Road studios and again, those same specs. Matched speakers, book shelfs as height channels tilted toward the MLP, center heights and VOG channels. The MLP for Toole and Abbey Road is also equidistant from the front and rear speakers like mine is, even though in some Dolby setup diagrams it is toward the rear of the room. Having it equidistant between front and rear channels makes a HUGE difference with the soundstage IMO. See how Abbey Road studios uses the same specs in their immersive setup:

Floyd Toole using the same specs at home:

Floyd Toole’s Theater Floorplan

My room is smaller than either of those, but the specs still fit in a smaller room for the speaker type, the angles and distances: