Good Quality Led Zepplin CD's do they even exist?

In particular "Good times Bad Times" among other favorites.

Showing 9 responses by ben_campbell

For serious Zep fans and the particular track Lush asks for you really need the grey box set remastered as David99 describes above.
Chadaudio the mastering on the Jap mini-Lp's is exactly the same as the box set.
There have been no updates on Zep since Page did the revamp way back in '91 or whenever it was.
Chadaudio-the mistake you may be making (if you are making a mistake, you may not be) is in the mastering of the American CD.
Are you sure that one is the remastering done by Page because these were not issued singular fashion until a while after the grey box set.

If you are sure of that fact then you will be right the Jap versions are better.
It is possible the Jap versions are better but I was led to believe like the Pink Floyd mini-LP versions these discs were only repackaged from the most recent remasters.
Chadaudio816 okay that's clarified the situation.
I'll need to do some investigation on the Japanese Zep mini-LP's-they were mini-LP versions available in the UK the past 18 months or so but I'm not sure if these were Japanese or a European version.
Chadaudio816 I am afraid to tell you are completely and utterly wrong about these Zep discs.
Last week I ordered the Jap import of Physical Graffiti,it arrived today.
The packaging is superb;an exact copy of the vinyl and a lyric sheet to boot.
However it states quite clearly in one of the few pieces of English on the data sheet that these discs are remastered by Jimmy Page and George Marino at Sterling Sound.
On listening these discs are IDENTICAL to the Grey Box Set version I have.No difference on volume or anything.

I misunderstood your original post with the Page/Marino reference which I took to be the American discs you were comparing with.
So therefore I'm back at my original point that I believe the American CD's you are comparing are pre-Page/Marino which would explain the difference.

These discs are no better than what has been available for nearly 15 years.

The floor is yours.
Wildoats no,the box set I'm talking about (although I believe they are the same remastering)is the later one with the complete studio recordings-a 10 CD set.
There is a link above for it.

Chadaudio816-I really don't know what to say,I guess perhaps another opinion on it might help.
I have the mini-LP of WYWH by Floyd and my findings are the same as the Zep I have-different packaging but the same sonics.
Chadaudio816-I've just listened to Physical Graffiti again and to my ears these discs are identical.

Perhaps one explanation is that the Grey box-set and the Japanese discs are of better quality than the stand alone American discs.It's all I can really think of,it would be interesting if other Audiogoners have any of these discs and can make comparisons.

How about you mail me your address and I burn a selection of my box-set for you to compare with your Japanese copies?
Might help tie it up.

For the record my system is Ayre AX-7,Ayre CX-7 and Proac 2.5's.