I replaced my Oppo 105 with an Oppo 103 due to the analogue in the 105 lacking midbass and dynamics. The 103 now feeds hdmi video and my Emotiva UMC-200 replaced the 105. Wow did it replace it. Immediate dynamics and midbass were noticed just out of the box without calibration and with manual settings of speakers, trim, levels. Emotiva UMC-200 is a clear winner with a small price tag to boot. Absolutely high-end...
Good Processor
I know this has been discussed before and have read most of the posts. However, I haven't seen one that addressed this question. For good stereo what is a better option? Going with an older high end pro like a meridian 861 version 2.8/4 or Halcro 100 OR buying a newer unit such as the Integra 80.2/3. If I purchased the Integra it would be easy to setup with little in cables given the HD audio formats. With the older units I would be processing HT in my Oppo and using the 5.1 output into the processor.