Good Pre Amp W/Remote for Marsh A400s Amp??

Looking for a good preamp match for a Marsh A-400s
amp. Must have a remote.
I would like a "balanced" Marsh P2000, but there are
none for sale at the moment, so looking for an alternative.

Any Ideas??

Thanks in advance!

Showing 3 responses by guidocorona

Here are some questions for you: budget? input impedance of your amp? your musical/sonic preferences? SS or tubes?
Telescope, 4K Ohms for balanced input may limit your choice of pres to devices with very low output impedance. The balanced pre I use has very low balanced output impedance of 80Ohms, remote control, incredibly smooth, but also very detailed and open, very fast with loads of authority, and built like a little tank. . . but it does not use tubes. It is the solid state jeff Rowland Capri. Seems to sell around the $2K mark on Audiogon., or about $2600 new. Needless to say, I do like it a lot. Guido
Telescope, I have never run the capri single ended. . . I am sure it will be fine. However, it is worth pointing out that Capri is a truly balanced design. In SE mode it may sound a little thinner and perhaps with less authority than in balanced mode. If you are asking what kind of sound you can expect from Capri. . . very grain free from top to bottom, without hot spots or 'thin' holes. . . lots of authority and speed, but also very good low level detail and 'emotion' in the music. The bass is very deep and pitched, but it may not sound as 'dark' as that of some tube preamplifiers. The midrange is very textured and full of harmonics, but it does not sound 'warm'. The treble is very extended, but is not tizzy. Staging is wide and deep, but does not give the floating impression of being in a vast fish tank. Overall, a very balanced device, that I enjoy over some more expensive linestages. . . but it may not float the boat of some lover of particularly 'warm' sound. Guido