Good Pop Interpreters

I know I often fall prey to the romance of signer/songwriter uniqueness and individuality, but there's also something deeply delightful and satisfying about a good cover song. It's like two artists having a conversation.

Who would you recommend as an artist or group who regularly "converses" with other artists and genres through cover songs?

I'll kick things off by nominating Ry Cooder who, especially in his early albums (which are dominated by cover songs), displays an inventive, loving, and oftentimes surprising choice of and approach to cover songs.

Showing 1 response by slappy

BIGOD 20, an industrial band, did a fantastic remake of Modonna's "LIKE A PRAYER"

I think KMFDM made a remake of Modonnas "Material Girl" as well


probably not what yer looking for, but i thought they were funnier than hell!
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