Good looking Towers for < $2000?

Going to upgrade from my Paradigm Studio-20 V5s.  These are on stands. 
I've decided to go with towers this time.  I don't like stands that much.
Anyway, for living room 2ch music.  WAF and attractiveness are important for the living room.
Not looking for black rectangular boxes.
I tend to like moderate/soft levels.   Jazz, folk, classical, new age, some rock.

I am also looking for a bit more bass than the Studio 20s give me (54Hz low-freq).

Salk looks nice and gets great reviews (SongBirds, SongTowers).

How are PSB?   Any other good suggestions?



Showing 3 responses by paraneer

Sorry but you are trying to pick out speakers the worst way possible - by how they look, written reviews and asking for suggestions from strangers on the internet who will tell you what they have or want to have. But how does anyone really know if these are the right speakers for you?  Glad to hear you did go out and listen to B&W's though and ruled them out.  That's a positive step. 

All we really know is that you don’t like black boxes and your taste in music. But we don’t know what kind of amp you have? How do we know if your amp can even drive any of the speakers being recommended?

Let us know what amp you have and then a short list can be suggested for you to go out and hear them for yourself. Good luck!

Thanks for saying I made a decent point Simao.  But since it is about buying speakers, I feel I made excellent points.  Especially the part about asking what kind of amp he has first which is paramount in selecting any speaker.

And why is my comment about listening and ruling out B&W's patronizing?  I commend the OP on going out and auditioning them and said it was a positive step.

Perhaps you disagree but I still stand by my assertion that selecting speakers in this manner is the worst way possible.  It's akin to picking a vacation destination by throwing darts at a map while blindfolded.  And yes, it mostly results in a popularity contest.

Nice list.  And your amp will have no problem driving any of them.  Hope you can these models to audition and have fun when you do.  Best of luck to you!