Good looking Towers for < $2000?

Going to upgrade from my Paradigm Studio-20 V5s.  These are on stands. 
I've decided to go with towers this time.  I don't like stands that much.
Anyway, for living room 2ch music.  WAF and attractiveness are important for the living room.
Not looking for black rectangular boxes.
I tend to like moderate/soft levels.   Jazz, folk, classical, new age, some rock.

I am also looking for a bit more bass than the Studio 20s give me (54Hz low-freq).

Salk looks nice and gets great reviews (SongBirds, SongTowers).

How are PSB?   Any other good suggestions?



Showing 1 response by audioconnection

If you must compromise with functionality you should know what you are giving up. Try and listen to a pair of the latest Technology Vandersteen 2CE Sig II boxless design with Five As reflection free woven drivers. Imho its such a refreshment to the cookie cutter 6 in metal driver PC clone box.
Hey, when many wives experience the Vandersteens they like them so much they whisper in their husbands ear, 
"" I want these they sound the best.anyway""
 Best JohnnyR
 Vandersteen dealer 27 years