good jazz piano

Looking for well recorded jazz cds with lots of piano music content.

Showing 1 response by jwong1

All the aforementioned are wonderful jazz giants each and everyone. Here's two more great jazz pianists on exceptionally well recorded releases. Ahmad Jamal's "I Remember Duke, Hoagy, and Strayhorn" Telarc (1994) is filled with very lively keyboard work that will test your speakers. He's accompanied by bass and drums on some tunes but it's mostly him playing great piano. Telarc did it's usual great job in recording. Second suggestion is Tommy Flanagan's "Alone Too Long" a solo recording made in Japan and available only as an import. Ella Fitgerald's accompaniest for many years has a jazz pedigree that's a "Who's Who of Jazz" and deserves the spotlight among jazz's great piano players. Well recorded featuring gorgeously long reflective keyboard pieces. Wonderful music for a quiet evening.