Ditto to all previous postings! To throw a few different names into the mix, one of the best from-every-perspective recordings I've come across in recent history is "McCoy Tyner with Stanley Clarke and Al Foster," - Telarc 2000. On a decent playback system, it really gives you that intimate jazz club, you are “there” live, experience. Also, check out Lyle Mays’ (of Pat Metheny Group fame) “Fictionary,” with Marc Johnson and Jack DeJonnette,
- Geffen 1993; an excellent virtuoso performance most closely aligned with mainstream classic jazz. Mays’ “Lyle Mays,” – Geffen 1986, on the other hand, is actually a “suite” of original works showcasing an amalgamation of styles that is Lyle’s alone. To me, it’s a work of pure genius. Finally, anything by Eliane Elias.
- Geffen 1993; an excellent virtuoso performance most closely aligned with mainstream classic jazz. Mays’ “Lyle Mays,” – Geffen 1986, on the other hand, is actually a “suite” of original works showcasing an amalgamation of styles that is Lyle’s alone. To me, it’s a work of pure genius. Finally, anything by Eliane Elias.