Good Headphones...What should I Get?...

Even though I live in the hills of WV, and my next neigbhor is about a mile down the road(I can play my music as loud as I care), yet I am looking for my first pair of real quality headphones. I feel like they would allow me to hear the music as it is, without room resonances...etc.
I currently have a Sony MDR-6000 purchased @ BB. If it matters at all, I like a very detailed sound. I'd appreciate recommendations on the brands and features to look for. Thanks.
I'm just in the process of "converting" to headphones now, actually. I'll be in a dorm or studio apartment for the next couple years, it looks like. I'm going pretty all out: Stax Omega II driven by a HeadAmp Kevin Gilmore "Blue Hawaii" hybrid balanced tube amp with outboard PSU. But then, this will be my dominant, or even sole, form of serious listening for a while. I imagine you can do very well for a lot less with some of the other suggestions here - I almost went with the Sennheiser 650 myself. But I listen mostly to Early Music, and I want the transparancy, neutrality and detail of really good electrostatics.
I have two setups both driven by the Musical Fidelity V3 after owning several other amps. Great for the money. HD 600 and Grado Reference one's Are two top sets of cans!

If found myself in your postion, I would choose exactly the same equipment!
Thanks for all the responses, gentlemen ( and ladies, if any). It seems that Musical Fidelity/Sennheiser 600/650 combo would be a plausible solution and not that extravagant price-wise either($700.00 or so). While it's probably not the state of the art, yet it should serve my needs well. My main rig is a tube/SS combo, I catch myself constantly falling asleep while listening to music...I think I could also use the cans for those nite-time sleep inducing listening sessions and spare my main-rig tubes.