Good Headphones...What should I Get?...

Even though I live in the hills of WV, and my next neigbhor is about a mile down the road(I can play my music as loud as I care), yet I am looking for my first pair of real quality headphones. I feel like they would allow me to hear the music as it is, without room resonances...etc.
I currently have a Sony MDR-6000 purchased @ BB. If it matters at all, I like a very detailed sound. I'd appreciate recommendations on the brands and features to look for. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by wellen

I'm just in the process of "converting" to headphones now, actually. I'll be in a dorm or studio apartment for the next couple years, it looks like. I'm going pretty all out: Stax Omega II driven by a HeadAmp Kevin Gilmore "Blue Hawaii" hybrid balanced tube amp with outboard PSU. But then, this will be my dominant, or even sole, form of serious listening for a while. I imagine you can do very well for a lot less with some of the other suggestions here - I almost went with the Sennheiser 650 myself. But I listen mostly to Early Music, and I want the transparancy, neutrality and detail of really good electrostatics.