Good Headphones...What should I Get?...

Even though I live in the hills of WV, and my next neigbhor is about a mile down the road(I can play my music as loud as I care), yet I am looking for my first pair of real quality headphones. I feel like they would allow me to hear the music as it is, without room resonances...etc.
I currently have a Sony MDR-6000 purchased @ BB. If it matters at all, I like a very detailed sound. I'd appreciate recommendations on the brands and features to look for. Thanks.

Showing 2 responses by tgrisham

There are ways to compensate for the lack of spatial orientation when you use headphones. There are times when they are useful. They will not replace the effect of listening in a room with speakers. If you don't plan on using them alot, you may not want to budget much. A $150 set of headphones with a built in amp from your receiver may be all you want. That will buy alot of headphones these days. If you want a dedicated rig that will be used frequently, budget a minimum of $400-$500 ($200+ for the amp and $200+ for the headphones). I have heard $99 headphones that sound really good, especially if you are not going to listen to them for an extended time. Good luck!
There are so many on the market, it will depend on how much moneyyouo have to spend, what headphone amplifier you will use, and what style you like (around the ear, in the ear, on the ear). I recommend that you check out the following websites for more information:

Some are commercial and sell products, including their own, and others are forums.

I own the Sennheiser 600, an Antique Sound Lab amp, and nice cables. I like around the ear phones for longer listening. The Senns are detailed without being fatiguing. The ASL amp is tube and to my ears is very melodic. Once you have done some investigating, come back. I'm sure the folks here will be quite helpful. Happy hunting!