Good (great?) cartridges with user replaceable styli

I've been considering getting a Ortofon Black 2M LVB 250 for use on a Rega Planar 6, but am wondering if there are other cartridges with user-replaceable  styli worth considering. (I know I'll need a spacer.) Why the user-replaceable stylus, you ask? Because I'm blind and might one day screw up, and wouldn't want to be out the whole cart if a mishap were to occur. I'm generally good, but, well, you know.


(Yes, I understand well that I could stream or play CDs or rip to a music server -- all of which I do plenty of. But I've got a decent selection of records, have long enjoyed spinning them, and would like to continue to do so.)


I've long had a Rega P3 and am figuring that the Planar 6 would feel quite familiar when putting a new record on. As such, I'm fairly set on that 'table, but am still open to other carts -- if the stylus can be changed.


I listen to all sorts of music, though more rock than classical. Plenty of acoustic stuff, a bit of jazz, and always Joni Mitchell.Thanks very much for any recommendations.


-- Howard



Showing 2 responses by hodu

Oopsie. Forgot to mention that I currently use an Ortofon 2M Black on my P3. Figuring the LVB 250 would be a step up, as would the Planar 6 over the P3.

there's nothing exactly wrong with my current setup, but, well, again, you know. If it ain't broke, fix it!

-- Howard