Good (great?) cartridges with user replaceable styli

I've been considering getting a Ortofon Black 2M LVB 250 for use on a Rega Planar 6, but am wondering if there are other cartridges with user-replaceable  styli worth considering. (I know I'll need a spacer.) Why the user-replaceable stylus, you ask? Because I'm blind and might one day screw up, and wouldn't want to be out the whole cart if a mishap were to occur. I'm generally good, but, well, you know.


(Yes, I understand well that I could stream or play CDs or rip to a music server -- all of which I do plenty of. But I've got a decent selection of records, have long enjoyed spinning them, and would like to continue to do so.)


I've long had a Rega P3 and am figuring that the Planar 6 would feel quite familiar when putting a new record on. As such, I'm fairly set on that 'table, but am still open to other carts -- if the stylus can be changed.


I listen to all sorts of music, though more rock than classical. Plenty of acoustic stuff, a bit of jazz, and always Joni Mitchell.Thanks very much for any recommendations.


-- Howard



Showing 1 response by ccogopher

The M series Ortofon all have replacement styli but they are nearly as expensive at the complete cartridge. Grado and Sumiko as well but not sure which models. You can check out audioadvisor, which sells a few different styli.