Good Direct Drives

So I still keep thinking upgrading my current, Awia/Rega plinth/motor with debut arm and Ortofon cart turntable but after owning many years ago a few SL1200 and SL1210 MK2 and Mk5 I am hankering after a change in TT

But not sure what old model Technics or Pioneer to go for. Unless someone else can suggest another DD of this type etc


Showing 2 responses by roberjerman

Why would anyone want to spend $4000 on the new Technics 1200G when the Pioneer PLX1000 is comparable in every respect?!!!
You can do what I did when I wanted to add a new current TT to my collection of vintage TT's. I bought the Pioneer PLX1000 and a Denon 103R mc cartridge. $700 + $300. This is an affordable and excellent sounding combination! I am quite happy with this setup! The build quality and performance of the PLX1000 makes it a challenger to the multi-kilobuck TT's! Highly recommended!