Good Direct Drives

So I still keep thinking upgrading my current, Awia/Rega plinth/motor with debut arm and Ortofon cart turntable but after owning many years ago a few SL1200 and SL1210 MK2 and Mk5 I am hankering after a change in TT

But not sure what old model Technics or Pioneer to go for. Unless someone else can suggest another DD of this type etc


Showing 1 response by gillatgh

A  relatively unknown DD turntable that is really excellent is the Sony PS 4300. It was marketed in Europe around 1976 and had a great following. It's rare to find it here in the states unless a GI brought one back after tour of duty. There may be a few sitting in closets somewhere. It competed with the likes of Pioneer, Sansui, Kentwood etc. It's a very reliable table with good credentials. 
I'm still using mine and have been for the last 42 years and am still thrilled by its performance.  And no its not for sale. It's in daily service. 
I did see some offered on European sites.