Good CD/DVD Combo...

Hi all...

My system...paradigm studio 60s, 470cc, 20s for the rear...rotel 1066/1075 processor/amp...

Now I need to add a decent (meaning decent relative to the rest of my system) CD/DVD player...can I get something that does both or should I be buying current CD source is an old Rotel 955AX...nice sounding player, but old technology...what do you think?

Thanks to all...
I too am investigating this option,and have been referred to the Arcam DV series.(78,I believe.)
The Denon 2910 and 3910 are both excellent players in their respective price ranges, and both have been very favorably reviewed. If your budget is limited, start with the 2910, which offers much of the performance of the 3910 for about half the price.