Good cartridge for playing rock

I am looking for a good cartridge to play rock. I have a Sota Sapphire Sumiko PT-3.
Thanks in advance
Sorry Elevick, I can't answer this one. I can honestly say I've never listened to a rock and roll album on my table. Well, Us3, but I think of that as 3/4 jazz anyway.

But for what its worth, I have a Star Saphire with a AQ PT6, which I believe is similar to the Sumiko arm (both rebadged Jelco arms?). I'm using an Audioquest OC-9 cartridge wich I like, but it might be too smooth for R&R.
I recommend the Shure M97xE (at 47 k resistive loading). That cartridge handles particularly 'hot cut' rock albums very well. Regards, Fap.
Grimace and Fap are on the mark. I have several shures including the Ultra 500. Rock is what it loves, does jazz well too. Tracks extremely well and with rock that is very important. Very solid dynamics.
I had a Shure V15VxMR and it sounded muddy this setup. I am not sure if the other Shures would sound the same.