Good budget tube amp?

So, I've been wanting to upgrade to a good tube amp for a long time now. Currently, I've got a pair of Totem Rainmakers and an NAD C375BEE. I'm thinking about selling the NAD and getting a tube amp instead. My question--can I get something good for 1k or less? I've listened to a Rogue Audio amp that I loved and am trying to find something similar in quality. I've been told to look at Dynaco, but as I don't have much familiarity with them, I'm not sure exactly what to look for. If someone could point me in the right direction with some model names to look for, or even a good site that has information on Dynaco/other budget tube amps so I can learn a bit more about what's out there, that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Showing 2 responses by mezzanine

Hi there,
There are a few good ones for around your price range.
My first choice is Vista Audio i34. EL-34 tubes. (Those tubes are some of the best) $980. The cool thing about this amp is that it is made in Serbia by a Serbian designer. Everything else in this price range is made in China. It has some great reviews and there is a 30 day trial period.
Another one you can try is from Jolida. The Jolida 202BRC $839 or the 302BRC around $1100.
If you can stretch your budget there is always the American made Rouge Cronus for $1800. Another interesting and well made amp for $1500 is from Antique Sound Labs. The AQ1003 Mark 2.
I have a Granite Audio 834 integrated. $2400 new. American made. Digital bias meter built in, that really helps. Had it for 2 years now and thinking of selling it soon to try a Mastersound Due Venti $3000. The Granite is the best amp out of all of my suggestions. It even sounded better to me than the VTL-i85 I had before it and that is saying something. I am hoping the Mastersound will be better than the Granite. Always trying something new :)
I personally do not think your Totems are a good match at all for tube amps. I would hook any of these up to a pair of Vandersteen 1C's or Zu Audio or even Proac speakers and be in musical bliss. I hope this helps. Once you go tubes it's hard to go back to solid state. Tubes rock.
Your Totems are good speakers but they are not a very easy load to drive. 87 DB @ 4 ohms. Most tube integrated amps are rated around 30 watts. They give you good value for money, seeing that you wanted to stay around 1k. The rogue cronus is most likely powerful enough at 55 watts but I still think it is not the best. When I think of totem I think of solid state type of sound. A bit lean, a bit bright sounding on top. They like a lot of juice to get them going to sound their best. Magnepan and Theil speakers are other such speakers I tend to think of when I think of solid state amps. They need a lot of current.Then there are speakers that sound best with tubes. The electrical load is better suited for tubes. Usually 8 ohms nominal and/or at least higher sensitivity 90DB or higher. I have a 30 watt tube integrated and I use Proac speakers and JM Reynaud speakers. Both found use a little more watts but are an easy enough load for my amp. Speakers that are great for tube amps usually excel in the midrange, perhaps have a warmer and less lean balance then you totems. Speakers such as Joseph Audio, Zu, Tekton, Devore, are good matches for tubes.
The bottom line is, if your get the Rogue, you can use it with your Totems. After sometime you may want to explore different speakers. You will notice a difference.
You can always buy a high powered tube amp that will drive just about anything. But if you want to stay within your budget then a lower powered tube amp and higher efficient speakers are the way to go. There are many that would say this is the only way to go. This is a bit of a ramble but I hope it helps some. :)