Good Audio Dealer in San Francisco

I'm going to be in SF next week and would like to do some shopping for a good set of monitor speakers - with excellent spatial resolution. Any suggestions on who would be good to visit? So far, candidates include: Alon, Tyler, Totem, Spendor, Proac. Thanks for any input.

Showing 2 responses by hgeifman

As suggested above, I agree that The Analog Room in San Jose and Music Lovers in Berkeley are your best choices. have purchased equipment from both stores. If possible, I suggest you call both Retailers and arrange a time for your visit so they can set up what you want to hear. Good luck... cheers......
I purchased a Jeff Rowland Amplifier and ProAc 2.5 Speakers from The Analog Room. They were very helpful in both the equipment selection and listening process and I recommend the store. Of course, they have their likes and dislikes but I enjoyed working with both Brian and Scott. If you want to talk about it, please send me an email with your phone # and I will call you. thanks...