Good article on transformer designs

Bryston's current online newsletter has the first installment of a 3-part article on transformer designs and their relative advantages. I found the article interesting and thought others might also. Here's the link:
Thanks for the link - it looks very informative. I haven't had time to read it yet - but I did see that it is also downloadable as .PDF! Very cool. I've saved a copy for my later reading pleasure. I'm interested to see what else may be in their archives.
Mwilson: If you go to the Bryston web site ( and look in the drop-down menu for the newsletters, you will see links to each of the "volume" numbers. When you click on the "volume" number, you will get the last issue of the newsletter in that volume, which has a series of links near the top of the page for each issue of the newsletter in that volume (for example, Volume 8, Issue 1). You can look at each issue in that volume by clicking on the link (depending on the volume number, there will be from 4 to 8 newsletters).