Good amp match for vinatge Vandersteen 2C's?

I recently bought a pair of these in great condition. I'm finding the treble a little on the soft/warm side. Any amp suggestions that will help balance out the sound? I'm thinking Bryston.
I would not take anyone's description of the current Signature to get a sense of how it might sound different than what you have, you would have the illusion of thinking you really have the answer to that, but you really need to hear it with your own ears. Don't you have a Vandersteen dealer near you? They are pretty broadly distributed. If you are near Audio Connection in NJ, you can even hear what a lowly 35 watt tube amp might sound like compared to a 100-200 watt SS amp.

I would immagine old SS like you mentioned would have to have the capacitors replaced by now if it hasn't been done already.
My experience in comparing the signatures to the 2 Ce's I used to have is that they are just a little better all the way around. Similar sound, but better in detail (both bass and treble), higher highs and lower lows. They still have the same overall sound character. I only upgraded because mine had a damaged speaker and the outside cloth was a little tired, and I had no good way to repair them. I don't necessarily think it would be worth hundreds of dollars to upgrade if your original 2ce's are in excellent shape...
The Thresholds should work nicely. IMHO, the sound of the Vandersteens work a little better with the sound of the McCormacks, you might feel differently. As was previously mentioned an older amp might be due for a refurbishing. That might come with a cost. All in all, with the Vandersteens, I think the McCormacks are the bang for the buck value leaders, all the while not having to make any apologies for the excellent sound they make together.
I recently upgraded my Vandersteen 2C(1987) to the new
Vandersteen 2Ce Sig 2's. The speaker does look similiar but taller in height. All drivers,crossover, and internal
construction are vastly improved. A much improved speaker from 25 years ago as Vandersteen keeps tweeking the model
2. You can match this newer Steen with a good quality tube
or solid state of your choice. As easy to drive as the the older 2C. If your considering to upgrade it's well worth a listen to the newer Sig 2's...All the best.