Good amp match for vinatge Vandersteen 2C's?

I recently bought a pair of these in great condition. I'm finding the treble a little on the soft/warm side. Any amp suggestions that will help balance out the sound? I'm thinking Bryston.
For the people who mentioned Mccormack, why does this brand in particular make a good match?
Because the McCormack's tight, punchy bass compensates for the Vandersteen's somewhat bloated bass, the McCormack's somewhat forward presentation compensates for the Vandersteen's somewhat laid back presentation, the McCormack's liquid midrange through treble works very well on the Vandersteens (the Vandersteens though very forgiving through most of this area, do have a narrow area in the brightness region, that can be less forgiving). It has been rumoured that Steve McCormack uses Vandersteens. Considering the very long period of very active sales of the Vandersteens, that would seems like a good idea. Two of the best values in all of audio, and they work just great together. What could be better! The Vandersteens work very well with other gear too. At the value end, ss amps like the PSE's (though I'm not sure of that companies current status, and their older gear might be getting long in tooth), and at the higher cost end, Audio Research. Despite the enthusiasm by some here for tubes with Vandersteens, I'm less convinced that tubes are best with them, especially in the bass. There are some tube exceptions though, such the previously mentioned Audio Research. All in all, I think the McCormacks offer the best sound for the buck with Vandersteens.
I have Vandersteen 2CE signatures (and used to have 2CE's). I had a Conrad Johnson PV-10 with an Adcom 555 (then replaced the amp with a Classe 15 - big improvement). I now have the Emotiva USP-1 pre-amp (with a Yaqin tube buffer between the pre and amp). Sounds very good, and definitley offsets the "softness" of the Vandy's.
Getting a little off topic here, but how do the latest Sig II's sound compared to the original 2C/2CE's? Maybe "upgrading" to the latest version will help? Very interested in the McCormack suggestion as well.