Good Amp for JM Labs Utopia Speakers

I just bought a pair of Mini Utopias, and wondered of anyone has had any luck amplifying them. Preamp is an excellent passive model I am very happy with: Reference Line Preeminence 1B.

My short list of amplifiers includes various solid state and tube models: CJ 2500A, CJ MV60SE, a few BATs, Threshold T-100, GamuT D200 MK II or III, and VTLs. I am about to start listening to several of these, and wondered if anyone had success with one of these or if I should add another amp to this list.

Appreciate the help!


Showing 1 response by defstathiou

I have listened to the JM Lab Micro Utopia Be and Diva Be with the YBA Passion Integre. They were both memorable experiences noted for the high level of musicality and emotional involvement.