Good $2k Used Speakers for 20wpc tube amp

Hi Folks,

I recently entered the world of good audio equipment (very recently--last Friday) by purchasing a Manley Stingray integrated amp to replace the 16 year old rotel that had given up the ghost. My system is: NAD 525BEE CD player, Music Hall MMF 2.1 Turntable, older Phonomena Phono Amp (bought used from a friend), Stingray, and 16 year old Boston Accoustics T930-II speakers, which seem the weak link. I am now looking to replace the non-Stingray/Phonomena pieces as budget allows, speakers first.

The Manley has two modes, U/L (40wpc), and Triode (20 wpc). It makes sense to me to consider speakers that are efficient enough to use both. Can people point me in the direction of speakers that may run about $2k used, give or take, and would be a good comlement to the Stingray? Thanks very much.
Another recommendation for Zu Druids (look for Mk IV). I'm using them with a 15wpc Unison S2K (KT 88 tubes) and I can confirm they fill a large room.
You can look at Parker Signature 98 Speakers not very well known in Audiophile circles,But were made for SET Amplification in mind and is well under your budget. I have the model one lower then this playing my SET Amp in Triode mode of 1.8 watts. I have a 12x 28 foot living room and they fill up the space okay with sound.
Just type in Parker Audio and u will find his web site.
Thanks for all the ideas, much appreciated! You have given me a lot to read and think about. Always a trick, not being able to listen to most of the speakers in question. I am particularly intrigued by the Zu Druids. Regardless, I will let you know what I wind up doing, and if anyone has any other ideas please let me know.