Goldmund Studio - still relevant today?

In today high-end world (very small, and shrinking every day), is Goldmund Studio still relevant? Is it's performance still on par with similarly priced tables, or is it a dinosaur? Is it's value still in performance, or is it mainly a collector's item? What do you guys think? I refer to late models with all-acrylic body, and JVC motor, and T3F arm, which actually work, not the early ones, which seemed to have a mind on their own :-)) They normally command at least $2500 on used market, up to $4000 for perfect examples.

Showing 1 response by chrismini

Since pivoting arms are so good now, it seems linears just aren't worth the trouble. Rockport's was the last great TT. Pumps, hoses, motors. You look at them wrong and you'll spend the next 2 days fiddling with it and the Goldmunds had a reputation of instability. What if you need to replace a part of which there were many. Not repair, replace. Going to have to find a machine shop and pay.