Goldmund Reference Turntable ?

Anyone have any experience with or owns a Goldmund Reference Turntable Original version ? I will be picking one up next week and thats one table I have never played with. It has the T3 tonearm as well. Any tricks to setting it up etc. ?

Not sure what to pay for it anyone know the going price for one is as well ?


Showing 1 response by cabbiendi

My respects to everyone.

I have had a GRT, T3F and PL8 since 1987. I have never had a single problem nor I have found this package complicated to set up. It requires of course some dedication.
The table has a single main problem and this was the original natural oil for the spindle/shaft. I can not explain how bad it was. I use now the VdH spindle oil.

The T3F had two major problems and they are related with what Syntax and Tuchan said (lack of frequency extremes and CW mass).

I have found the aluminum headshell of this arm to be too heavy at about 7.5gr. This accounts for almost 50% of its effective mass. I changed the material of the headshell bringing the mass down to 2.5 gr. This restored a lot in the extremes, specially in the hi-frequencies.

The main problem however was in the CW, IMO Goldmund in the attempt to keep the CW hided within the bridge placed the CW too close to the bearings, with such short leverage the system can only work by increasing the mass of the CW, for example, with a cartridge of 10gr only the heaviest of the CW could be used and this one has 195gr.

I solved this issue making by CNC a prolongation of the CW shaft and by moving the CW back a mere 40mm I reduced its mass from 195gr to less than 50gr for the 10.5 gr of the Lyra Titan-i.

The gain in performance is terrific.

If somebody having this arm is interested can contact me back, I can provide the respective drawings or CAD. After all the total cost of this mod was less than 150 U$D.

Not that making this you will solve all the design issues of the T3F but the gain in performance is huge and your cantilever will work a lot less stressed.

Claudio Abbiendi