Goldmund, not much inside, but ultra expensive.

Is judging Goldmund products on what’s inside them fair? If it’s, then what are you paying for? There’s nothing but space inside most of their equipment. Not only is there nothing inside them they’re ridiculously expensive. Look inside their Nextgen 590 intergraded amp $29000. There’s nothing inside.
To be fair, I must say I’ve never heard their equipment, so maybe it’s worth what they charge, but judging it from its inside It looks like it isn’t.

Showing 1 response by rwpollock

I've been happy using my 590 NextGen for two years now. High quality and simplicity of use for a super-integrated; the target audience isn't into tweaking or OCD fascinations.

The sound is quite resolving but not clinical (as I find the CH Precision to be). There is a warmth, perhaps from a slight boost in the lower mid, that makes listening a pleasure. A bit like hiking in the Cascades on a sunny day -- clear, refreshing and you can see for miles.

The internal DAC is in the $5-10K quality range. Because it is voiced to the amplifier I prefer using it to my MSB IV stack.

As one would expect, the 590 is appreciative of clean power and good cabling. :-)
