Goldmund Dialogues, Info please

I wrote this a couple of months ago, and now I am going to go ahead and do this, whether I get any info from anyone out there or not, but some would be appreciated. I am getting a great deal on a pair of Dialogues, and I am happy with the way they sound and all,(for the money spent), but some info and reviews would be nice if anyone could foward me any much appreciated.

Showing 1 response by laurensw654f


I own a pair of Goldmund Dialogues.
I don't know a lot about them either, but here it is.

Sensitivity is 96dB/w/m, impedance is 8 ohms. They can be driven very well by a 5W tube amp.
The crossovers are very complex with >100 parts per side.
I think they were produced until around '91-'92 and use Focal units (I think these were modified a bit to improve sensitivity). It has a bass-port in the back.

These speakers are very fast (Goldmund claimed they were the fastest speakers in existence back in the eighties) and seem to need a fast amp to really sing. I'm using Spectral amps now, maybe Goldmund would be even better.

Hope this helps.