Goldmund cable for goldmund amp....

Thanks for a advices of 'Which is the best cable for Martin-Logan? ' Now I use Transparent. and I changed my amps levinson&kreall to ARC ls5&vt100 and I don't like its sound and now I use 'Goldmund 8 & 7'. well... they are old models , but my ML makes best sound. but it use only rca inters . would you recommend a good inter for goldmund? I try P.A.d collosus ,XLO sign..,jps. what about Goldmund cable? or nordost Spm? is here anyone who use goldmund amps?

Showing 1 response by firebird

With Goldmund I'd use Siltech anything from their line or if you must to use a network cabel I'd go with MIT.... GOOD LUCK