Goldmund 29 vs. 28.4 for Eidolons

Which is better to drive Eidolons in a relatively small listening room?

Showing 1 response by classicjazz

I had a Goldmund 29 driving Kharma Ceramique 1.0s a design somewhat similar to the Avalon but with a series crossover. The amp is superb; I cannot identify a weakness; it really was transparent. Only sold it since I travel and never use it and I replaced it and the rest of the system with a Tact Millennium M2 to make do. The Tact is phenomenal as well; shockingly. I have a Rowland Model 2 with battery in my small room. Rowland is good but I think Goldmund is better. Accuphase is a bit warm (folks have the E407 and DP65V). If you're concerned about resale or service down the road, go with Rowland since they are here in the US. 8TIHC is a good rec. A50 may be underpowered despite it's huge transformer.