Goldenear Triton One R vs. PSB T3. vs. Spendor D7...

Which pair of speakers will have the most transparency, sound-stage  and depth? All are about $6500 to $7500. Which one in your opinion is the biggest bang for the buck?

Showing 13 responses by zeal

No, I asked a different question this time. I added the Goldenear's Triton One R.  I'm hoping to get different opinions and a lot can happen in a year.
To stereo5Didn't your crystal ball tell you I already have a mommy to give me advise? Didn't your crystal ball tell you that maybe I heard the GE's and the PSB's  a few years ago and I still wanted more up to date opinions on the improvement that have been made in the last year?  Didn't your crystal ball tell you that I have been on "lock down" for 4 months and most stereo stores are closed to to a modern day plague?  Do you read palms too?
Stereo 5, Try to read things more carefully, I never mentioned PMC. I wanted some listener opinions. If everything you say is true, what’s the point of reading a "Professional" review? What’s the point of a few hundred thousand questions just like mine on the Internet? Are they spending your money? Three different speakers that all sound different is exactly why I asked this question. 
The Joseph Audio Profiles are nice and I heard them with a Rogue amp. However they are rather small and might lax in the bottom end compared to the Spendor's and the others.
I have both, Rogue Audio monoblocks and April Music Stello ai500 with a built in DAC. Both power up more then what the D7's need. The tubes can take EL34's, might be the ticket.
The Profiles cost the same as the D9's and the Revels that got "Best Speaker" on Stereophile.
I'm glad you have a sense of humor. You should have seen the other things I wrote but somebody's mommy had them deleted.

Just when I think, Surely this person has reached and encapsulates the limits of Internet tedium you go and push the boundary even further.

I refer to your latest discharge of plebeian verbiage; in which, you have proven, once again, that there is no such thing as unutterable nonsense.

Just when I think I’ve read the stupidest thing ever, you go and say something else. I’ll go listen and buy a freaking speaker when I’m good and ready.

It’s hard to believe that I remind you of a friend or that you have any friends at all. You really should take up knitting because the advice you give is worthless.

Thanks for the sideways compliment, " BTW your sarcasm is sharp and crisp but not too bright." It seems you can't make up your mind, sharp, crisp and not bright, hhmmmm.  Stereo5 had his mommy delete some great stuff. Oh well. I have Rogue Audio 180 Mono-blocks and a couple SS amps. The tubes are far better with my Martin Logans and the SS amps (April Music, Stello ai500 & Krell KVI300) sound better with my Pioneer/TADS and my Vandersteen Treo.