Goldenear Triton One R vs. PSB T3. vs. Spendor D7...

Which pair of speakers will have the most transparency, sound-stage  and depth? All are about $6500 to $7500. Which one in your opinion is the biggest bang for the buck?

Showing 7 responses by viablex1

wow ^^ you are my new hero I ran into so much bull**** on another forum I wish I would have you to consult with before I told them to ****

hey @zeal any pics of your current system? and yes would have liked to see what else they deleted nothing like a forum to trample on 1st amendment rights
it does suck when a thread gets hijacked but @zeal do you have any pics of your system now? I am just curious. I am renting a room in Portland from the most anxious person I have ever met who hasnt yet figured out the diminishing returns of alcohol and is noisy as absolute fuck and plays shitty oontzangle speakers all fucking day and if i didnt hate npr before I rented this horrendous shit hole I will when I leave!!! and the nosy neighbor can eat a bag of dicks!! whew
@zeal thanks for sharing I have never tried tubes I have been using wyred 4 sound amps on my focals sounded way better than the 110lb emotiva I had. For a total novice do you recommend any low on the totem pole or cheaper tube amp to start with? And in the comment department keep up the great work!!
Yes sorry about your mom @stereo5 Mine passed away when she was 52 years of age a long time ago.They deleted mine about the crazy old woman in the shoe that drinks
Now this""" To stereo5Didn't your crystal ball tell you I already have a mommy to give me advise? Didn't your crystal ball tell you that maybe I heard the GE's and the PSB's a few years ago and I still wanted more up to date opinions on the improvement that have been made in the last year? Didn't your crystal ball tell you that I have been on "lock down" for 4 months and most stereo stores are closed to to a modern day plague? Do you read palms too?
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zeal OP161 posts06-21-2020 1:10pmStereo 5   I've been a bad boy, please don't spank me.

IS funny!!!
it is ok to dream I am sure you have some we all do. I know that a lot of them never become reality. It is interesting to hear what other people have for equipment etc.