Goldenear Triton One R vs. PSB T3. vs. Spendor D7...

Which pair of speakers will have the most transparency, sound-stage  and depth? All are about $6500 to $7500. Which one in your opinion is the biggest bang for the buck?

Showing 1 response by shahram

The hot tweeter stuff is a bit overblown I think with the D7. I've owned a pair since February and it really has mellowed out over time. However, if a recording is bright to begin with it will not soften the blow. A bright recording will sound bright because these are accurate speakers. The midrange is also forward, so if you are in a small room it will possibly sound to in your face.

Pairing with Tubes or Class A SS seems to be the way to go given the choice, but I've got a class AB SS amp and don't have many qualms. Just the itch to try tubes!