Golden ear triton 1 vs tekton double impact speakers

With so much positive information about both do you have a preference? Have you heard both?

Showing 3 responses by gdhal

Having owned the Golden Ear Triton One  for 14 months and subsequently selling only because of the forthcoming Triton Reference - which I am patiently waiting another 7 weeks or so for - my recommendation is Golden Ear. Admittedly, I never heard/seen the tekton double impact speakers though.

With a user name of "tekton", only 5 posts to your credit, and given that you are unable to even understand the correct name of "Triton" and not "Titan", no doubt you would recommend Tekton.

Here is what one dealer I know had to say about the Tekton Double Impacts.

"This Tekton designer is stating obvious facts that are known by all loudspeaker designers, that is why multi way speakers are around. The smaller midranges and tweeters are lower in mass and handle the upper harmonics of instruments. His stating that a guitar producing a 41hz note is only being reproduced by a subwoofer with a 200-300 gram cone is totally false, the upper harmonics of that guitar note are being reproduced by the midrange and tweeter which are much lower in mass and able to reproduce the harmonics. He also doesn’t state what his speaker does that is different to try and diminish the mass of the drivers, they look pretty typical to me. I think this is pretty much snake oil."

Great that you auditioned and are now "taking a chance". Best of luck.


Without my even trying to get into any king of "pissing contest" or having to "defend" anything here, please allow me to provide feedback to your latest post within this thread.

I too note the Tekton DI thread on the forum, and I can gather by all the positive comments that they are likely a good sounding speaking and perhaps more importantly a great overall value. And as for professional reviews, I have yet to see any professional review that doesn't have a lot of positive things to say about whatever it is he/she is reviewing.

As for Golden Ear, I'm willing to bet that for every satisfied Tekton DI owners, there are at least twice as many satisfied Golden Ear Triton One owners. While as you state it looks like the DIs replaced some $20k loudspeakers that the reviewers had - and I take you mean "bested" - I've seen reviews comparing the T1s to $50K loudspeakers and besting them. In fact, I personally have auditioned the Alta Statement Towers with an MSRP of $200K and prefer the sound of the T1.

Golden Ear has more accolades than perhaps any other speaker manufacturer.