Going to try a tube integrated.

This past week I was traveling on business and I ran across a audio dealer that sold Focal speakers. They happened to have a pair of Focal Sopra 3s connected to a Octave v80se integrated tube amplifier. Since these are the speakers I own, I had to sit down and listen. I was really impressed with the laid back presentation and nice warmth in the mids. I’ve always been a solid state guy.

So since then I have been thinking of getting a tube integrated amp a try. Another Focal dealer today told me that the VAC sigma 170i is a terrific match with the Sopra 3s as well, however, that particular dealer is not close so it is not easy for me to hear the speakers with that particular amp.

Is there anyone that can give me some advice on this? Thoughts on the VAC sigma 170i vs the Octave V80se? This is my first foray in to tubes so I don’t have a lot of experience.


Showing 3 responses by rshad0000

I currently have a Gryphon Diablo 300, which I love.   I use it for home theater and listening to two channel.   I don’t plan on getting rid or replacing it.  Just looking for a different sound occasionally.

I do like female vocals so, pdreher, your comments are interesting.  That is what I liked about the Octave that I listened to.
Thanks for all of the advice and recommendations!

I was emailing back and forth with the Octave dealer late this afternoon and went ahead and purchased the v80 se with the super box power supply.  I’m very excited and will see where down this road tubes take me.

freediver-my room is 20 x30 and is not acoustically treated but I do have rugs and curtains strategically placed.  From what I am told and read the Octave should be easy to bias. I do not listen to music very loudly- 80 to 85 dB.
bjesien,  I agree.  I’m sure like many audiophiles, I listen to all sorts of music-rock, dance, classical, country, etc.  Different speakers and different amps do various things well and others not so much.

For me it was what this amp did for female vocalists.   Very nice.

I’m keeping my Gryphon though.