Going linear - The Luxman 507ux

No one panic, but I just picked up the last Luxman 507ux in the US. About 110w/ch with power meters. 😀

Ill compare them directly with my Class Ds at home. 

Showing 1 response by ricevs

The IcePower ASP modules are at least a 13 year old design. The reason Parts Express sells them is that IcePower needs to get rid of the old stock. You cannot buy the latest IceEdge modules at retail. They are only sold to OEMs. I sold an amp in 2006-7 using the ASP 500 modules (basically the same as the ASP 250 modules but more power). You can read a review of my amps on 10 audio that was done in 2007. His review was very accurate. In its day, for the money, it was great. The new stock IceEdge modules are in another league. And run mono and modded and tweaked to the max?.......well simply superb for any class of amp. So, to compare an old stock IcePower module to the latest way more expensive Luxman is well.....? If you really want to hear what Class D can do against a Luxman or other class A/B amps, etc. then you need to hear tweaked mono IceEdge or at the very least the latest versions of the Ncore NC500 and NC1200. Tweaked IceEdge is way less expensive than Luxman. How do they compare sonically? Would be fun to find out. If anyone is in the bay area and wants to hear my modded mono IceEdge amp in their home (versus most any amp) then let me know. You cannot know anything about how something has evolved or sounds unless you listen to the latest thing IN YOUR HOME.

I am not saying that the latest Class D is the greatest or that you will not like something else better. We are not all "looking for" the same sound and it's helpful to get components that match our systems.