Going from processor to 6 channel analog preamp?

Hi, I am currently using a Lexicon RT-10 with an Aragon Soundstage processor. However, I am using analog outs on the RT-10 and bypass all DTS circuitry on the Aragon, because I find this to sound better. This begs the question am I better of (SONICALLY!) selling the Aragon and go to an all analog 6 channel amp (specifically, I have my eye on the McCormack MAP-1). This would be relatively low $$$ impact swap. Alternatively, should I explore a superior processor that will outperform doing conversion in the RT-10. This will be a more expensive proposition and since I use multichannel mostly on DVD-A and SACD (which are always analog out of course) of more limited value. Any advise is welcom.

Showing 1 response by tarsando

Im not familiar with the equipment you have, but it doesn't sound like you need any processing at all--you use multichannel on sacd and dvd. If you dont process 2 channel, then the mcormack would seem ideal. I guess the lexicon is multi channel amp? good luck!