Going from MM to MC

I have a linn table with an akito2 arm I just replaced the preamp with a rogue rp7 and bought a pro ject phono box DS3B phono preamp.  I am also going to get new phono cable from linn with the xlr ends on it. Right now I have an adikt on my table. I want to go to MC  to get better detail and seperation. I have been researching Cartridges and have narrowed it down to 3  the linn Krystal the lyra delso or the ortofon quintet S black. My Lin repair person is trying to get me to go  with the linn but I have herd the other 2 have better sound  any advice.where to go or even a different one all together  and why thank you Michael. 


Showing 2 responses by rauliruegas

Dear @rajugsw  : Good for you. Now your Ekos is way better than the OP Akito and this fact is something to take in count about.



Dear @mal11963  : In the time when the Linn Kandid was its top of the line as Lyra Scan-Tech made it under the Linn specs. I owned Linn cartridges in the past ( Scan-Tech too. ) and its top of the line were really fine. Normally only Linn  owners ask for Linn cartrides, Linn is really a low profile company.

Looking your  tube phono stage and the Linn Akito my advise is to go with the  Nagaoka MP 500 that's a moving permalloy ( MP ) motor design. 

You can't go wrong with the Nagaoka that I'm sure will fulfill what you are looking for.


Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
