Going from computer audio to dedicated streamer

A few days ago I purchased a Bluesound Node 2. Immediately after hooking it up I noticed a more relaxed less digital sound than I was getting from my Mac mini into my Wyred 4 Sound Dac-2. My hookup for the Mac was via a good usb cable into a Musical Fidelity Vlink192 coax into the Wyred 4 Sound. It is every bit as detailed as streaming Tidal through the Mac but is more "musical" and relaxed. An example would be on high dynamic contrasts the Mac could sound harsh and a little piercing in the highs. This was with every speaker I have owned. Not that it sounded bad overall, actually sounded quite good but I am loving this upgrade so far. No more messing with Amarra or Audirvana for me and dealing with the associated crashes etc.   
I am curious of others experiences good or bad moving away from computer audio to something else.
Also is anyone running an external hard drive with their music collection and running though the Bluesound or similar device and how is that working out?   

Showing 1 response by wtf

@mofojo .. congrats on your purchase. 

I moved from a Mac mini to a Bluesound Node 2 just over a year ago and never looked back. I don't miss any of it. I think the sound quality of the Node 2 is every bit as good, if not better, than the mini. (I have licenses for Amarra Symphony, Audirvava +, Bit Perfect, Fidelia, HQPlayer, JRMC, and Pure Music.) I'm really happy with the Bluesound platform and purchased a Pulse Flex also.

My music (flac) is located on an Oyen Digital MiniPro USB hard drive attached to my AirPort Extreme router for the most simple NAS imaginable .. works great. 

Best of luck with the Node 2.