Goin nuts deciding which Scout upgrade

OK, I might have enough cash (1,000.00)to get my Scout upgraded in Feb.,,But going loony trying to decide which upgrade to go with,might be the only upgrade ill be able to do for awhile!Im kinda thinking the Scoutmaster might be the one.My thinking being to build a strong foundation in which all future upgrades will really be able to shine!I would love to hear your thoughts on this!Thanks,Ray

Showing 1 response by sbank

I think you'll be really happy with the arm upgrade. As another who has spent far too much time ;-) hanging out w/both Slipknot1 & Rushton, it was really interesting to hear the transformation as Slipknot made his upgrades.
To my ears, the Walker vs. SDS was a good choice. I did the same when I recently bought my TNT6-HR. However, in your spot, I'd guess that the Scout-Scoutmaster upgrade will be your next move. Then the motor controller. At that point, cartridges will be on your mind. Crazy hobby, huh? Cheers,