Goertz Bi-wire or something else

I currently have a long run of Goertz MI-2 cables (20+ feet). I recently moved my system, which requires a much shorter length. I was thinking of sending the cables back to AlphaCore to be cut into shorter lengths and biwiring the MI-2's as a double run. Plus I'd have enough cable left over to terminate and sell a pair.

Should I expect much sonic improvement. This seemed like the most cost effective way to go. Alternatively I could get a new cable and sell the MI-2's in their original length. My dealer recommended the PNF Symphony Biwires.

Any suggestions?

Showing 1 response by hchilcoat

Thanks for your feedback! I think I'll stick with the Goertz and do the bi-wire, plus I should have enough left to make an 8 foot spare pair for sale. I have the silver spades and they are quite nice. I'll be certain to get them on the rest of the terminations. I'm hoping to get a little more bass extension and low midrange with the biwire/shorter set up. It would be nice to terminate them myself and not have to send them back, but I guess I can live with my old cables for a few days if I do send them back to AlphaCore.

There is no doubt that the MI-2's are a great way to go for the money.