Ok guys, here's a list of amps that were recommended to me for use with the Europas by an excellent source of information on this type of thing.
Recommended gear:
A properly re-built 17W/channel Dynaco SCA-35 integrated amp on e-bay. About 40 years old. (~$350 or so. They come up weekly- look for ones that have had "capacitors replaced and new diodes installed".)
The new Blue Circle integrated amplifier ($1100?).
Edge amplifiers (edgeamp.com ?) in Florida.
newest Plinius integrated.
Manley tube gear.
VAC tube gear.
Joe Curcio's website (can't remember)- Dynaco modifications.
Welbourne Labs in Denver (kits).
Birdland.com for DAC someday.
Audio Magic (audio-magic.com) for the finest cables etc I have heard, including their own DAC (expensive).
A used Tandberg integrated amp (Soundsmith.com I am pretty sure specializes in Tandberg).
A Kenwood KA-600 used integrated amp- silver, from the late 70's. Good luck finding one. Not a "601" or any other model number- just "KA-600" (or the smaller KA-500). They don't get on e-bay very often.
Croft amplifiers from England (tube, fairly $$)
Wavac brand tube amps (big $$ unfortunately)
Something our dealer in central California is carrying- an integrated I cannot remember, but I think $1500 (too much $$??) See attached dealer list for MotherlodeAudio.com
The Marantz PM7000 on e-bay- excellent. Also the PM-94 model.
The used Harmon/Kardon gear from the early to mid-1980's- typically champagne/light gold colored.
Used McIntosh tube gear on e-bay, and at Audio-classics.com