gloves to touch vinyl surface

I'm in the quest of equipping my record store with gloves for walk-in customers visiting the record store. This hasn't been done at any locations I've seen so far, but quite a few Mint records after a while are full with customer finger prints. They will also protect covers as well.

I don't normally sell any record bellow Goldmine EX grade and don't really want it to be finger-printed or sometimes accidentally scratched by nails.

What will be the best material that would be quite thin? It also shouldn't inflict any additional static.

After a pair of gloves used by customer one drops it in the basket and at the end of day I'll laundry them. I have to order them via uniform store I guess with store logo. I also plan to sell those as well

Showing 1 response by dickson

Vinyl gloves are becoming more expensive and we have switched to Nitrile powder free gloves which helps as some patients are allergic to vinyl. Nitrile is not as stretchable as latex but will stretch a little. You will need to purchase boxes of several sizes; say small, medium and large.

Since latex or Nitrile gloves are thicker than those thin disposable translucent gloves worn by those in the food industry, you can be reassured that no sharp finger nail will poke through the glove and damage the playing surface of the LP.