glam rock fans?

Sometimes it takes something like a movie to jog some old music memories loose & reignite an old love for something like glam rock. for me it was "life aquatic" and the soundtrack took me back to my youth & those great ($3.99) albums like Mott the Hoople, Mott...Iggy, Raw Power...Alex Harvey, Live....TRex, Electric Warrior...Bowie, Spiders...NY Dolls...Sweet & Slade, sorry can't remember the titles anymore. I've got the itch to get some of that stuff again unfortunately it'll be on CD for convenience & simplicity sake this time. Hopefully the recordings aren't too bad. any recommendations? btw cool movie... thanks & cheers!

Showing 3 responses by r_f_sayles

I’m with Hooper’s assessment of Marc Bolan. One could argue if T.Rex- Electric Warrior wasn’t the genisus of Glam-Rock all by it self. Then on to Bowie with Ziggy Stardust & the Spiders from Mars and Aladdin Sane by the end of Diamond Dogs the psychedelic twinkle of glam started to fade. It was short lived but all in all some gender twisting, mind blowing good rock. Roxy Music carried the torch from s/t thru Manifesto with seven Lps in all. Some consider that the start of Art-Rock. Equally arguable is where glam ended as a genre. There were albums by Bowie and Roxy Music beyond glam well worth owning IMHO, as you may well know. Bowie’s -Pin Ups, Station to Station, Low and Roxy’s - Flesh + Blood and Avalon are excellent. Then depending on how far off a tangent from there you care to swing there is Todd Rundgren’s -Something/Anything, Eno’s -Another Green World, Lenny Kravitz- Mama Said, Prince… and the list goes on. Enjoy!
Sgore1 mentions Lou Reed's "Transformer" and I was thinking that I didn't mention the Velvet Underground, Opps! In my opinion probably the grandaddy of Art-Rock bands with great albums like the V/U & nico, White light/White heat, s/t and of course Loaded. Loaded is one of my all time fav's. These guys influenced a lot of band. This is such a cool hobby! Enjoy!
Does everyone concerned know that Speakers Corner Records has re-released "Transformer"?! And it sounds as good as a brit first issue of the times.
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