Giving away old reel to reel players

I am writing this for my friend who is does not have internet or wifi.

He has 6 reel to reel players 4 of them are sony brand He had old time radio program for several years in Syracuse New York  he now lives in cortland new york he is a older gentlemen who wondering if someone be interested  the players were pretty good in they day and will play 7 in reels.




@erikk71  I think you should list these on our site for your friend.

Contact me at and I'll be glad to help you.




Hopefully someone who wants them will appear.

Seems your friend does not have the desire or ability to sort them out, test, photograph, describe them for sale, even for local pickup.

If nobody appears who wants them, and he has a deadline to be rid of them, it would be a darn shame to have them left at the curb.

I have a friend with a van less than 1 hour away. He would probably pick them up, keep them for me, however my only purpose would be to test. photograph, list for sale. so they get into the hands of someone who needs/wants them. My collection is Teac's, but I know enough to let someone know what's what.

I am mid way between NYC and Philadelphia, chances of local pick-up sale higher here than his location.

Hopefully someone up there will take them.