Girlfriends and wifes, how do YOU cope?

I would be very interested in finding out how one manages to justify (or sneak in the home) expensive audio equipment without having to sell your soul to the Devil? It's quite a challenge for many of us I think. I heard of someone buying a Bel Canto DAC and telling his girlfriend that " Oh it's just a $ 100.00 power conditionner", or whatever. Seem like we need to get creative here if we can pursue this crazy hobby much longer! Regards All...

Showing 2 responses by sabai

My wife used to ask me "When are you going to be finished buying and selling .. and when are you going to get rid of all those darn boxes?"

As I upgraded, the complaints were replaced by spontaneous dancing and comments like "good" when she came up to visit me in my listening room.

Finally, my wife started complaining that the speakers at her exercise dance class were so bad she didn't want to go to dance class anymore.

My recommendation ... keep upgrading.

I have a similar approach to yours:

"Nobody even gets near my stereo unless I let them."