Gingko vs. pucks

I have a Scout and would like to add some isolation. Currently it just sits on top of my rack. I wanted to know if anyone has experience with the Gingko cloud isolation platform or something similar vs. the Aurios/BDR pucks or something along those lines. The Aurios were recommended by the Hot Stampers guy, whatever his name is. Thanks in advance.

Showing 1 response by vtvu

Vinh Vu of Gingko Audio here. The original question was about Gingko Cloud platform versus pucks, which I interpret to be footers made of some material.
We performed vibration tests in designing our Cloud platforms and the results are published on our website. Through these tests, we proved that our platforms do a great job in reducing vibration in the critical frequency range affecting TTs, CD players, etc. We also conducted A/B listening tests of identical components such CD players playing identical CDs in real time, one on the platform and one not. We even did these tests in real time at shows such as the 2004 Montreal FSI, where 89% of the respondents heard a significant and consistent difference between 2 identical CD players, with and without the Cloud. Our live demos have been well reported by the audio press. Most importantly, we give a 30-day money back guarantee (you pay shipping) so you can just try it for yourself.
Any theory about vibration should be backed up by empirical data done with proper test instruments and procedures and we have done that in comparing our own products and others. We are confident that our design is sound and effective.
Feel free to contact me through our website with specific questions.
Good listening.
Vinh Vu
Gingko Audio